English 4, Post 7, 'Changes to my study programme'
The truth is that I had never thought about a change that I would make to the faculty or to the study program of my career because the truth is that I had already gotten used to this methodology, but without a doubt I have some suggestions to make.
The truth is that in terms of subjects, I would not remove any because I feel that they are all important in due time, but if I would move some from one year to another, such as biology, I would move it to the first semester of the first year in order to have all the main subjects from the start of the race.
As for the methodologies that the faculty has to evaluate students, I find it "stressful" and I am not referring to the level and difficulty that it has since we are at a professional level and we have to have challenging evaluations, but I do not like the idea of having only 2 tests per semester and that with that it is evaluated if you can pass the field or not, I feel that if there were 3 tests and a collaborative work to get out of the routine and exploit all the student's abilities, it would be the most optimal.
As for the practical activities such as the laboratories, I really don't have much to say, first because I started my university teaching online, but the times I have gone to the university in person for these jobs have been super good, but I would add more during the year in order to have more laboratory skills.
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