Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

 One of the subjects that I liked studying the most and that now I am also studying was chemistry, I have to admit that at first I did not like it very much because I did not understand it since I had a very weak learning kiss but now it fascinates me and it does not I regret choosing her to work in the future. Chemistry broadly explains what happens at the atomic level in matter and through this one can describe various things of daily life such as the simple fact of making a coffee.

I am fascinated by this subject because I like to know how things work and how small things called atoms can define the composition of matter, so far my knowledge is wide but it is nothing compared to what I will learn in the future until now. What I liked the most has been the thermochemistry since it impresses me that just by altering some factors the result can change drastically.

Before studying it, I was half indecisive as to whether I really wanted to dedicate myself to this in the future, but thanks to the chemistry teachers at my school they made me realize that I had really found my vocation.

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