
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021

Post 8: A subject you enjoyed studying

 One of the subjects that I liked studying the most and that now I am also studying was chemistry, I have to admit that at first I did not like it very much because I did not understand it since I had a very weak learning kiss but now it fascinates me and it does not I regret choosing her to work in the future. Chemistry broadly explains what happens at the atomic level in matter and through this one can describe various things of daily life such as the simple fact of making a coffee. I am fascinated by this subject because I like to know how things work and how small things called atoms can define the composition of matter, so far my knowledge is wide but it is nothing compared to what I will learn in the future until now. What I liked the most has been the thermochemistry since it impresses me that just by altering some factors the result can change drastically. Before studying it, I was half indecisive as to whether I really wanted to dedicate myself to this in the future, but thank

Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire

One of the people I admire the most is Marie Curie, I may not know exactly the field of chemistry and pharmacy but in the area of ​​research science. I chose this person because I think that she is one of the most decisive people that science had between the late 1800s and early 1900s since she did not get carried away by the esticmas of the society of the time. We all know that women have had a long struggle to be on the same level as men when she always dived of being that way. and she is the perfect example of her since she was carried away by what she loved and the discoveries that she made were too important for the future of science. One of the greatest discoveries of her was that of radioactivity with her husband in addition to the elements of radium and polonium that in the future would be very relevant for medicine in people suffering from cancer, Marie Curie was born in Warsaw (Poland) on November 7, 1867 and died in Passy (France) on July 4, 1934. She studied at a clandestin

Post 6: How can your mayor make the world a better place?

 We all know that an informed person is tremendously dangerous for the people who govern us and want to keep us at bay. That is why I believe that a pharmaceutical chemist as mayor would be a very great benefit for society since his knowledge of many things such as health, product quality management, etc. can greatly help society. In this process I see myself guiding people who do not know much about politics or who for one reason or another cannot be informed much since I consider myself a person who can transmit their knowledge for the good of society so that together we can advance in a better way.