
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2021

Post 2: Why did I choose my major?

 When I was a childrend my biggest dream was to be fireman, I remember in me 5th birthday my mom and dad gave me a big truck (Goliat) and all the day I play with that pretending to be a fireman. When I grew up I was to be a doctor because I get sick often and I admired them, but when it time ome to dicide I choose to study Chemestry and pharmacy because stay in a laboratory and do esperyments is the best experience in the world.  Until now mi expeirnece in the univerciy is realy good but i would like stay to be in person coexisting with people and make friends.  In the future i would like job in the laboratory or in my own pharmacy i want to be independent.  

Post 1: Who am I?

 Hello my name is Carlos Gonzalez and I am 19 years old, currently i study Chemistry and Pharmacy at "Universidad de Chile", I love study this career and I hope to work in the future in Laboratory. Right now i live in Santiago de Chile since very young, but I was born in "Puerto Montt", about my family, parents are separated for this reason i live with my mom and her husband, i saw my dad every weekend, however,for the pandemic  i can´t see to much. My hobbies are watch anime, read manga and comic, play League of legends among others games. About my native city, Puerto Montt is in south of chile, is a cold city an it rains a lot and this like me.